Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Monday, July 02, 2018

Hydrosols and Floral Waters 

What is a Hydrosol? This term is derived from the Latin words hydro and sol meaning "water solution".  Hydrosols come by many names including floral waters, herbal distillates, hydroflorates all of which are pertaining to the water that is a by-product of creating essential oils.    

In my case, I only collect essential oil for lemon grass. Flowers produce very little essential oils. 


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Friday, February 03, 2017

pepper longan

according to the nursery, the seed isas small as pepper, keep my finger crossed wait.and see😏😏😏

Thai king water apple

I called myself plant killer. Bought this plant in Dec 2016, right after bring the plant back from KL, I am away for 2 weeks and come back to a dying plant with all the leaves wilted due to dehydration. My guess it's a survivor, just leave it under shady place and water the plant regularly. After one month plus, new leaves flourish and ready to transplant to a bigger container.

sweet osmanthus tea

planted this around 2 months plus, bloom for second time. This time with 6 little flowers, really tiny. As usual, this is for tea, the tea I have. Though only 6 little tiny petals, but the fragrance is really strong and sweet. Love it.

damask rose

first bloom of damask rose and later became my afternoon tea. The fragrance is very sweet, cold and very soothing. Even with only one stalk of rose petals but the fragrance of it is so overwhelm. Even after shallow the water, the fragrance still came back from the throat. Amazing. Hope to propagate soon so that I can try rose jam, rose wine and rose essential oil perhaps😃😃😃

Sunday, January 15, 2017

sayur manis

for the love of pan mee, planted sayur manis again, but this time in polybag.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

all season onion

hopefully after this no need to buy spring onions from market. This spring onion will multiply as its grow. In Mandarin it's called 4 seasons onion(四季葱). The taste is not as good as the one that grow from onion though. Wanted to plant in planters box, but the price is RM22, finally get this for RM4.5. Will try to get gutter soon.

Monday, January 09, 2017

rose tea

I love rose tea. And dried rose bulbs for rose tea are not cheap. Then I decided to plant rose.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

stingless bee

lost one due to naivety, another one quite promising at the moment.

Africa night crawler

hopefully they're happy in this bin. Be fruitful and multiply.