Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Something NEW

I brought a new toy recently. It was a new hand phone. It is not my second hand phone. I had my first hand phone 4 years back, a used hand phone which was given to me by friend. My second hand phone was also a used hand phone given to me by my brother.

Then, I was offer by my hubby to get a new one. My hand phone had some problem with the battery then. I had chosen one, which is relatively cheap. I was very happy with it for the last two years. Most of my student said that I can keep that hand phone in a museum. None of my student had that old model. It was a Nokia 3310. Most of them had colour screen, in fact all of them.

Lately, I found myself very forgetful. I need reminder in the phone to help me around. The Nokia 3310 can only accommodate 5 reminders. Getting a new one with bigger memory is playing in my mind. But another concern arise, what am I looking for?

To cut the story short, I end up with Nokia 6300. A new hand phone as other see it. But it has another significant. It was so not me, as I see myself and the new toy that I had brought. Something new in me, I can pamper myself and not feeling sorry about it. I was thrilled with the new toy for many days. Life is so nice not solely because I got a new toy, also I had learn to listen to myself.