Thursday, October 19, 2006

the lost

Somehow, the lost of my mum had not get over with me yet. She past a way suddenly more than three years ago. Ever since she past away, I know one of the way that I can comprehend this lost, is start to write something about her. Till now, i don't have the courage yet.

The lost make me felt like I am a lost child, I had lost a place to be pampered. And all this long, this pampered relation is a very prominent features in our relationship, and now this very same pampered also giving me the hell feeling too.
I feel like I am no longer a child anymore, and I grieving over and over again for this dying child.

The pains are sharp and it's hurting whenever I feel lost in my life. When I am in that situation, I will call out for her silently. Just to draw a little comfort to hear that word "mum" being uttered. I miss u dearly mum!

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